The work relationship between Devoted Matchmaker Services (DMS) and a prospective client begins with a $275 commitment payment (the commitment payment is non-refundable).

This first payment insures the client admittance into the DMS family forever (as long as the client adheres to DSM rules.)

If a client does not reply to three (3) consecutive messages from their assigned DMS Matchmaker, DMS will eliminate the client from the active database under the assumption the client is no longer in need of DMS services.

The commitment payment is requested in conjunction with submission and completion of the DMS Client Consultant Questionnaire and after a background check reveals a clear history.

After the DMS Service Agreement is signed, Nancy will begin her search for the agreed upon number of matches (each additional match requires an additional $250, non-refundable payment).

DMS cannot emphasize enough that all exchanged information and conversations between the client and DMS are strictly private and confidential.